Wednesday, January 4, 2017

From East to West - Hillsboro Brookwood Library

Our gang of seven, M7, became M5 due to the emigration of two members to another state.  We are thus sorely missing the contributions and the support from these two elites.

Our most recent installation was at Hillsboro Brookwood Library.  We had prepared the following introduction:

We managed to populate the entire 130 feet of exhibition wall,

Here is a synopsis of our works:

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

 Renee Lin

Renee Lin

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

 Tim Loh

 Tim Loh

 Tim Loh

 Tim Loh

Tim Loh

 Dan Lucas

 Dan Lucas

 Dan Lucas

 Dan Lucas

 Dan Lucas

 Dan Lucas

 Dan Lucas

 Dan Lucas

Dan Lucas

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Bridging Cultures 2016 - Multnomah Arts Center

The exhibition was held at Multnomah Arts Center.

We tried to pose the letters C H I N A to celebrate the From China To Portland theme.

One of our constituent Mr. Lucas was not present at the photo shoot but somehow he materialized himself modeling a hand gesture; by expanding the repertoire of known mudras to include a familiar urban form.  We have indeed bridged the cultures.  His huge head completed the task of dotting the "i".  Mr. Lucas had essentially elevated himself from the status of persona non grata to a Deity; Buddha Dan.

The tale of how Mr. Lucas elevated himself from the persona non grata status to a Deity seemed rather dubious and had incited the ire of the group, with vehement denial of statements made( with regards to how Mr. Lucas could be included in the group photo), notably from Mr. Nissen, and subsequent countering by Mr. Lucas.  The miasma of distrust filled the air.

In order to restore the harmony we so embraced before the display of such sophomoric behavior, Mr. Lucas pleaded for his inclusion in the photo by offering "How about if I do a handstand?"

Well Mr. Lucas, be careful of what you wish for.

Our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Huang-Nissen and Ms. Leung for their willingness to accommodate by scooting over to make room for Mr. Lucas.

Ms. Lin was  probably saying under her breath, "I do pray that he washed his feet".

As all these events were unfolding, there was an uproar suspecting of malfeasance committed by Mr. Lucas, for willfully staging his absence just to be the center of attention.  The group asked for his head on a platter.

Mr. Lucas complied.  A sheepish grin notwithstanding. 

Hopefully this is the last chapter in this saga of transformations, Mr. Lucas is now donned in woman's clothing and assumed the "C" position.

post script:  We took the original picture at the end of the installation and Mr. Lucas had to leave early to return to his employment, hence his absence from the photo.   Obviously we are having fun at his expense now.

The lady who graciously filled in for the "C" position is the curator.

Sally Huang-Nissen

Sally Huang-Nissen

Sally Huang-Nissen

Sally Huang-Nissen

Sally Huang-Nissen

Sally Huang-Nissen

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan

Agnes Kwan, foreground
Tim Loh, background

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Sylvia Leung

Renee Lin

Renee Lin

Renee Lin

Renee Lin

Renee Lin

Renee Lin

Renee Lin

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

Tim Loh

 Dan Lucas

Dan Lucas

Dan Lucas

Dan Lucas

Dan Lucas

Dan Lucas

Don Nissen

Don Nissen

Don Nissen, left
Dan Lucas, right


All good things must end.  So did our little rendezvous with fame and recognition.  Wink! Wink!

But seriously, it was gratifying to listen to and communicate with the audience.  Some of them were astonishingly insightful.

I've gathered some of the visitor's comments and posted them below;  not trying to be narcissistic, but as a witness to our collective efforts.

We should pat ourselves on the backs M7 !